วันอังคารที่ 22 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

Assignment : Interface Technology

MiXed Reality Interface
What is an MRI?
The MRI is a very simple to use input device for computer applications. In order to be able to offer services in the fields of interactive 3D Movies and real-time animations, KOMMERZ initiated the development of this straighforwardly usable input device. The MRI was presented at the CeBIT 2005 (the largest trade fair for information and communication technology in Hanover, Germany) with great success.
What can an MRI be used for?
The MRI makes presentation and the conveying of information a tangible experience and offers a new dimension of experience, currently known from elaborate computer games only, to a large user group. The new input device MRI offers a playful access, easy control and steep learning curve in the use of computer programs. The MRI is an open system which has many uses in very diferent types of application, e.g. architecture and e-learning.



Mixed Reality Interface